International undersøgelse omkring ultralyd i anæstesien

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Skærmbillede 2024-04-23 kl. 15.54.13

Undersøgelse vedrørende brugen af Critical care ultrasound (CCUS) i anæstesiologi i internationalt regi.

Undersøgelsen fokuserer på respondenternes CCUS-brug og deres erfaringer med implementering/brug af (dagligt) CCUS (også vedrørende tilsyn, arkivering af billeder og kvalitetssikring), og tilgængelighed og omfang af uddannelse.

Læs introduktionsbrevet her:

Dear members of DASAIM,

We would like to submit this survey for endorsement by your society.
Critical care ultrasound (CCUS) is an essential component in Intensive Care Medicine and its use is a rapid evolving field. CCUS is defined as the acquisition, interpretation and immediate clinical integration of ultrasonographic imaging performed by treating clinician at the patient’s bedside.
Where several studies have shown that CCUS can be beneficial for patient outcome, implementation is still lacking behind.
This is visible for example by the wide variety of training and use of CCUS; where one uses ultrasound only for central venous access, others use ultrasound as a critical component in diagnosis and monitoring of individuals patients.
With this survey, we want to unravel possible reasons for the lack of implementation of CCUS. The survey focuses on the respondents’ CCUS use and their experiences regarding implementation/use of (daily) CCUS (also regarding supervision, archiving of images and quality assurance), and the availability and extent of training.

We hope that the results of this survey can help guide clinicians to further guide the future of CCUS.


Deltag i undersøgelsen


Thank you in advance.

Kind regards, also on behalf of the members of the steering committee Amne Mousa, Adrian Wong, Laura Galarza and Philippe Vignon.

Dr. P.R. Tuinman, intensivist

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